How To Maintain AND Scale Culture In A Remote Workforce

How To Maintain AND Scale Culture In A Remote Workforce 1

Shared underlying beliefs and values shape any organization. Even in business, we find common ground in things we consider to be fundamentally important. That is company culture in a nutshell, and it’s critical for any organization’s success.

Rapid growth for any company can be a challenge, and today’s remote work realities make it even harder. So how do you maintain a solid, unified company culture with minimal face-to-face contact? How can you successfully scale company culture in our current context? Let’s find out!


Spell It Out Clearly:

Your company’s culture should be written out in the most clear and complete terms possible. It could start with a list of values, but it should dive even deeper. For instance, “mutual respect” can mean different things to different people. Remember, if your company is global, each geographic region will also interpret concepts in their own unique way.

For each value statement, explain what it looks like (mutual respect means listen carefully, do not interrupt, etc.). It is even better if you can show what it looks like with an instructional video. It can be very helpful to show the contrast between not being respectful vs. showing respect.

Clear culture definition ensures everyone to be on the same page, and it offers a solid framework to return to as needed.

Teach Culture:

Just like socially based culture, brand based culture can be taught. This means implementing friendly, engaging tools, and repeating your message. A digital library of resources can be a huge asset here. With articles, videos, guides, and assessments, you can make sure no matter how fast you grow, and that way everyone has access to the same tools.

It is important to encourage the organization to periodically review your brand’s culture fundamentals. Try strategies such as company spirit days where workers get paid to spend time reviewing material and commenting on the content. Live sessions with video conference calls can make it even more dynamic.

Lead By Example: 

Your managers should live and breathe the company culture. Still, this might not be completely natural to them. For this reason, leaders should have even more hands-on culture training. One efficient way to do this is to arrange quality work time between upper level management and executives. Set the example and offer praise when values are honored. This inevitably trickles down throughout the organization.

Manage Headcount Growth:

Over half of hyper growth brands face talent shortages and onboarding challenges. This makes it important to slow down the team growth, especially if you can’t imprint your company culture effectively along the way.

Good talent does not guarantee they will embrace your brand’s beliefs and values. We have all faced A-Players who do not embrace the company culture. It is critical to pull the plug with these resources before allowing a cancer to grow that may significantly and negatively disrupt an organization’s values. If you rush over this, you could end up facing problems later. Another important filtering method is to remain intimately involved in the recruitment process and to remain ever-so-thorough within your internal acquisition practice.

At Summit Human Capital, we have been assisting companies and job seekers with remote work issues for years. Give us a call and see how we can help you match jobs + talent!     


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