Generation Z: How to Attract, Hire and Retain Your Future Workforce

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Who are Generation Z, and what do they value?

Generation Z have been defined as those people born between 1996 and 2010 or as anyone born after 1997. They are the most racially diverse generation of US Americans, and 25% of all Gen Z  are Hispanic.

Similar to Millennials, who inherited the job market of the Great Recession, Gen Z job seekers missed the window to enter a strong job market. Rather than enjoying the benefits of an economy with record-low unemployment, they face an uncertain future brought about by COVID-19.

What Gen Z looks for in an employer

Generation Z job seekers have similar values and preferences to Millennials; however, they are overall more politically progressive and are more likely to desire employers who:

  • Are affiliated with a social or environmental cause
  • Are transparent in all business activity including pay decisions, company financials, product releases, customer satisfaction levels, etc.

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  • Include employees in policy creation and major decisions
  • Have flatter organizational structures
  • Reduce conflicts with healthy, open dialogue
  • Have racially diverse and inclusive workplaces

How to attract Generation Z candidates

According to the PEW Research Center, this age group is constantly online, and their go-to platforms are Youtube, Instagram and Snapchat (Sorry, Facebook Jobs!). Based on Gen Z’s values, employers who share their socially responsible activities and causes on these platforms may be more likely to increase Gen Z traffic to their careers pages.

Once they apply; however, it is critical to engage with them in a way that makes them feel valued. Research has shown that Generation Z wants to work for employers who:

  • Communicate with them face-to-face and take them seriously
    • IM-ing and emailing alone won’t cut it!
    • Gen Z employees need direct, regular, constructive feedback
  • Follow-up with them regularly during the hiring process
    • A Kronos study found that 44% of Gen Z job applicants cite delayed responses from recruiters as a serious turn off.
  • Maintain positive online reviews from current and former employees
  • Offer benefits that matter to them:
    • Competitive base pay
      • Over half of Gen Z say that pay is the single most important factor that they consider.
    • Consistent / stable, yet flexible schedules
      • 1 in 5 of Gen Z report this being a must
    • Cash bonuses
      • While Gen Z still wants a pat on the back for a job well done, 43% believe nothing says “thank you” like cash rewards.
    • Offer learning and professional development and mentoring opportunities and a clear path to promotion.

In summary, Generation Z is the largest, most diverse, open-minded and socially responsible generation yet. They expect direct, open and frequent communication, excellent pay and clear ways to advance in their careers. Prospective employers should closely manage their public image and craft messaging that speaks to Gen Z’s values of truth, equality, transparency and inclusion; and they should do so via Gen Z’s preferred social media and online video platforms.

At Summit Human Capital, we understand the needs of all generations and what it takes to represent them all to our clients we serve. Request a consultation  and see how we can help you!      

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